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Congregation Bais Torah

Bais Torah Shiurim & Weekly Events

                  MONDAY thru FRIDAY

5:25AM Daf Yomi I with Rabbi Avromy Fein

7:00AM Daf Yomi II with Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb

                          SUNDAY Morning

6:25AM Daf Yomi with Rabbi Avromy Fein

8:30AM Gemera Miseches Pessachim with Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb

Monday Morning - 10:00 AM Mahjong Games

Monday afternoon - 12:00 PM Learn Mahjong 

Wednesday Evening - 8PM BT Simcha Room - Navi Shiur with Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb

Thursday morning - 10:00 AM Bridge Game

Thursday afternoon - 12:00 PM Learn Mahjong 

Thursday Evening - 7:45PM BT Simcha Room - Rabbi Mansour TCN Shiur

Thursday Evening - 8PM BT Library - Women's Class in Mishna with Dr. Deborah Raice Fox

Thursday Evening - 9PM BT Simcha Room - Rabbi Frand TCN Shiur

Shabbat Afternoon - Women's Tehillim - L'zecher nishmas Feigel bas Menachem Mendel meets Shabbos afternoon 30 minutes before the Halacha Shiur.

Saturday Night - 10:30PM BT Simcha Room - Rabbi Reisman TCN Shiur (Until Shavuout resumes in September)


Interested in being a Sponsor?

Please contact Rivki 845.352.1343 

Father and Son Learning

New Avos U Bonim Starts Right After Daylight Savings Time. Weekly Sponsorships are Available. Please contact Reb. Amy Gottlieb for More Information.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785